I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength. ~ Philippians 4:12-13
- freedom from outside control or support
- not requiring or relying on something else
- showing a desire for freedom
On July 4, 1776 our country claimed independence from Britain and democracy was born. As a result, people from all over of the world ventured this way for the sake of pursuing the American Dream. From this, we find a vast variety of innovation and ethnicity among us. And every year we celebrate with family gatherings that often times include a barbecue pit and showers of fireworks.
As our country celebrates this concept of freedom, I ponder what it means for me. The past decade and a half, I've longed for independence concerning my time. With the desire to write, I've wanted to quit my day job and step into the shoes of a full-time novelist. But due to a handful of employment opportunities and a "not yet" from God, I've learned to wait. This time of testing has carved a deep and painful groove in my heart. It is in this secret place that patience has has begun to bud. It gets watered every day by silent tears that only God can see.
Because of this season of waiting, I've discovered the kind of freedom that does not depend on my circumstances, just like Paul talks about in the book of Philippians. When I am able to see my circumstances through the eyes of faith, I can see that I already have everything I need in order to feel happy and fulfilled.
I've got Jesus.
Now I know this might sound like a pat answer, or something preachy that you hear in the heat of a televangelist sermon. But please don't miss this. There is so much truth to this statement. Jesus Christ, God's very own Son, has proven to be all my heart will ever need.
While I'd still very much like to give my current job notice, I've learned that my writing career and my happiness is not dependent on such. I am taking steps that will eventually lead me to a place of freedom, where I will spend most of my waking hours writing. But until then, I can rest knowing He will rescue me when the moment is right.
Is there something you long to be free from? And how would a change in perspective help you see things differently?
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